Despite their popularity, disposable nappies pose huge environmental problems. Australia uses a staggering 5.6 million nappies every day! This means that over 2 billion used nappies go into landfill in Australia every year. On top of this, it's estimated these nappies will take up to 500 years to decompose, contributing to huge amounts of carbon emissions.

Disposable nappies use 3 times more energy, 20 times more raw materials and 2 times more water than reusable nappies during the manufacturing process. The carbon footprint of modern cloth nappies is significantly smaller when compared to disposable nappies. By choosing to use cloth nappies you're giving a lot of love back to the planet.
Usually human waste is treated and sanitised before being recycled or put back into our environment. But the waste in disposable nappies goes straight into landfill, and as a result causes contamination issues. Each baby in disposable nappies sends 700kg of waste to landfill every year, where it sits, leaching, for up to 500 years! Using modern cloth nappies is a small change that can make a big difference.